Project Details
Stony Point Road Reconstruction & Widening Project Phases 1 & 2
Project Name
Stony Point Road Reconstruction & Widening Project Phases 1 & 2Project Location
Santa Rosa, CAProject Description
Green Valley Consulting Engineers is performing both day- and nighttime Construction Inspection and overall Program Management for the $10M, transformation of this principal arterial from a two-lane roadway into a four- lane boulevard (between Highway 12 and Hearn Avenue). The project was ‘split’ into two phases per funding constraints and has been in progress since 2009 with final completion expected this Summer. Green Valley was also responsible for all surveys (topographic, property, and as-built), Right-Of-Way research and acquisition, and landscape design (plantings & irrigation).
The throughway is being completely reconstructed and repaved with a long-lasting fiber reinforced asphalt concrete. Improvements include: new designated bike lanes on both sides of the street, ADA sidewalks and curb ramps, driveway approaches, a landscaped median, a dedicated right-hand turn lane (onto Sebastopol Road), the widening of an existing culvert bridge, traffic signal improvements at six intersections, retaining and sound walls, and street lighting and landscaping enhancements.
Located in southwest Santa Rosa, the northern portion of the project area is situated directly adjacent to the State Highway 12 on- and off-ramps in a Caltrans right-of-way. Green Valley is acting as the City’s representative for all required Caltrans documentation and processes. These include encroachment permits, highway ramp closures, and the field implementation of all required traffic controls. Close coordination with local businesses is also required for resolving construction issues such as the timing of utility shutdowns, right-of-way purchases, and private landscape replacement. Program management involves coordinating with all stakeholders, outside agencies and utility departments, technical reviews and recommendations, and the application of all City/Caltrans standards.

Clients Say
"It's been a busy summer and we could not have done it without the help of GVCE's CM Team. South Starr Road had enough hiccups to keep everyone busy. Our Construction Manager, Jason, was extremely helpful in solving the (many) unexpected field issues. We look forward to utilizing GVCE's CM Services on future CIP projects." - South Starr Road ProjectJim O'Brien, Project Manager - Town of Windsor